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Electronic media harassment and stalking.
Emergency Management   Incident Command Systems

Emergency management has four main elements: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery. This course provides an overview of emergency management, the incident command system, as well as a look at different emergency scenarios and planning methodologies for dealing with them.

Technology plays a significant role in potential threats and harassment.  Training provides recognition of indicators and actions to mitigate harassing or stalking behaviors.

Training will provide information on managing the media during crisis/emergency situations.

Several components need to be present to label an act as bullying.  This training will provide information on what constitutes bullying vs what falls in the realm of violence.  Instruction includes characteristics of bullies and characteristics of victims.

Managing the Media 
Bullying awareness


GS³ provides custom-made security training solutions based on each client’s unique needs and measure for success. Whether targeting increased operational efficiency, improving performance in crisis situations or streamlining security protocols, our team works with clients to achieve their training goals.

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