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Lela McNinch


Mrs. McNinch has over 25 years’ experience as a subject matter expert in emergency management.  She advises clients on strategic solutions for security preparedness and provides training on all aspects of security.


Prior to founding GSᶟ, her professional experience includes serving as Senior Consultant to School Security Services. Mrs. McNinch's responsibilities included the developing and overseeing strategic response training, developing school safety plans, conducting full spectrum security assessments and coordinating relationships with security agencies and first responders who assist in school emergencies.

In addition to her role at the School Security Services , she has held many high-level security positions throughout his career including: Director of School Safety and Security for the Nebraska Department of Education, advising 240 school districts on all matters of school safety and emergency preparedness;  Emergency Manager for Hall County, Nebraska; Exercise Training Officer for the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, serving as lead facilitator, evaluator, and exercise designer for a variety of emergency preparedness exercises at local, county, state, tribal and federal entities.  Mrs. McNinch also served as Emergency Planner, Crisis Coordinator, Hostage Negotiator, Training Specialist, and Corrections Officer for the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services.


Mrs. McNinch is a regular guest speaker at various local, county, regional, state and national conferences providing information on a variety of topics including but not limited to:  consequences of major emergencies, violence in the workplace, and suicide awareness. 

Mrs. McNinch  is currently serving an appointment to the Governor’s “Nebraska Infrastructure Protection” Committee; is a member of the Great Plains Chapter of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP); previously served on the United States Attorney’s “Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC); and the Nebraska Suicide Prevention Coalition.


Mrs. McNinch's received her Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Nebraska at Kearney;  Certificate in Homeland Security Studies from Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; Emergency Preparedness  Response Training from Law Enforcement Training Research Associates (LETRA) of Campbell, California; Certification in National Incident Management Systems (NIMS), Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Programs (HSEEP), and Professional Development Series of Emergency Management from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).


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