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We are focused on a process that includes assessment, planning, training, exercising, and sustaining skills within your organization’s leadership and workforce to prevent or mitigate man-made or natural disasters. Within that process, GS³ also recognizes the need to protect your proprietary information from start to finish. GS³ is committed to the highest standards of ethical business practice, and will provide you with the best available information with which to make sound business decisions and policy.

Lela L. McNinch

 President & CEO


Mrs. McNinch has over 25 years experience as a subject matter expert in emergency management.  She advises.clients on strategic solutions for security preparedness and provides training on all aspects of security from emergency preparedness to crisis response plans.




Jerry L. McNInch

Vice President & Managing Partner


 Mr. McNinch has over 40 years of experience and is a subject matter expert in the areas of human intelligence, terrorism, and national security. His expertice includes physical and operational security, personal security operations, weapons, demolitions, strategic planning, and covert tactical operations.



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